Samantha has an affinity for finding vintage treasures and sporting trends that suit her colorful and risk-taking personality. Although a book-smart barrister by day, her own curiosity has dubbed her the girl in-the-know amongst her family and friends. She is constantly discovering new places to shop, dine, and explore in New York City where she was born and raised.
What was your first designer piece, and how did you acquire it?
It would be my pretty in pink Louboutins. I paid for them myself from the money I was earning at my internship. It sounds like a myth, but there are a few paid fashion internships out there!
If you could switch closets with anyone famous who would it be?
Blake Lively, she always looks amazing and she’s BFF with Christian Louboutin.
Did you grow up watching Sex and the City?
I watched a few episodes as a kid but I thought the name meant it was very scandalous. I only recently started catching reruns and developed style envy over Carrie’s wardrobe and shoe collection. Nowadays, I will characterize a shoe as “Sex in the City” if it’s a funky yet feminine shoe that I could picture SJP wearing.
Do you have your own version of the “Carrie necklace”? A piece of jewelry that you consider your second skin?
I wear a fine gold-ball belly chain with a key charm on it. My mom wore it for about 15 years while I was a kid and I always loved it since it was so unique and no one had anything like it. She ended up giving it to me on my 25th birthday and I never take it off.
As a native New Yorker, we have to ask you what’s the best place in NYC to throw a birthday?
I love throwing parties, my aunt is a party planner so I joke that it’s in my blood. Birthdays are a great opportunity to guilt people into getting together and having a great time. In the past I’ve rented out private clubs, The Wooly and Parlor. I got hundreds of glow sticks as party favors and delicious cupcakes from fellow First Gen Fiona.
A fun spot for a sit down dinner is Patrizia’s in Williamsburg. It’s a family style Italian restaurant with like a million food courses and all the wine you can drink, all for an easy split-the-bill pre-fix price. There are always birthday parties going on, and whenever the happy birthday song comes on the whole restaurant takes their napkins and swings them over their heads.
When entertaining out-of- town friends, what’s the one place to go where they are guaranteed to have a great night?
I really like Ward III, a bar in Tribeca. The drinks and food are really good and it’s sort of a neighborhood bar where the bartenders are really friendly, but it’s also not divey at all. Tribeca has lots of great restaurants but few bars so this is my go-to place for drinks if I’m in that area.
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Shoes: Bally | Jacket: Theory | Skirt: Anna Molinari | Necklace: J.Crew | Shirt: Necessary Clothing | Ring and Bracelet: Vintage from her mother